Posted on 10 February, 2019

Stanford Business School: Discovering Your Inner Strategic Leader

“Too many managers and executives view strategy as someone else’s job - perhaps the CEO and other members of the C-Suite, or perhaps a consulting firm. But any executive who makes resource allocation decisions is doing strategy, and any manager who wants to succeed in her career needs to master strategic thinking and decision making.”

Stanford Graduate School of Business in association with us, Computech Limited, were able to invite CEOs in Kenya for a Leadership Session on Discovering Your Inner Strategic Leader with speaker Professor Jesper Sørensen on January 29th, at the Capital Club Nairobi.

“This talk helped the attendees think about their role in the strategy process, and how they can maximize their contributions to the strategic health of their companies”

Computech Limited is an IT company looking into doing more than providing IT solutions across East and Southern Africa for over 30 years.