A Zafin Labs solution that provides the ability to Create Loyalty across the entire banking portfolio as opposed to conventional credit cards. The solution promotes cross selling, reduces customer attrition, and increases loyalty toward the brand instead of generating loyalty for a particular benefit. A high value solution promoting revenue growth and customer centricity which is currently used by 30 banks globally.
For more information, download MiLoyalty document
DOWNLOADA highly innovative platform from Zafin Labs which allows financial institutions to move away from product centric pricing to customer centric pricing, including the ability to price based on customer profitability to the institution. This further enables the bank to price dynamically based on transactional, suitability, and eligibility criteria. The solution will enable better profit generation and stems any possible leakage in revenue.
For more information, download MiPricing document
DOWNLOADA solution from Ameyatech which supports businesses in digitizing manual processes by reducing manual intervention and paper. The solution promotes efficiency and transparency across various business processes within an organization and allows senior managers to have a complete overview of the daily business activities through the mobile web interface regardless of where they may be.
For more information, download Aria document
DOWNLOADA state of the art mobile app that will allow businesses to digitize the delivery process. The app helps to reduce paperwork and delivery notes dramatically, while limiting potential theft and delivery issues. By automating the process, the app allows for institutions to simplify delivery of goods by enabling tracking and allowing customers peace of mind. Coming soon!