Posted on 23 July, 2018

Computech is HPE’s Overall Partner of the Year

Computech Limited & HPE teams celebrate 3 awards won by Computech during the HPE Africa Tour

The HPE Africa Tour is an annual roadshow during which HPE recognises outstanding partners and thanks customers for their support. This year, the awards for English speaking Africa (East & Southern Africa) was held in Nairobi.

It was attended by James Munene, HPE MD, and Jean Serbatian, HPE Africa Channel Manager. 10 awards were given to partners and Computech won 3 of those awards. Computech won the Storage Partner Award, the Server Partner Award, and the most prestigious award of the day – Overall Partner of the Year 2018.

Computech’s 3 awards won at the event, the highest number won by any partner

Computech Limited’s team celebrates winning 3 awards

Computech Limited’s Dipak Galaiya and David Okwach receive the Overall HPE Partner of the Year Award, while HPE East Africa MD James Munene looks on.